Poem: Deepest of Blues

We watched the sun set and the moonrise
Until the moon set and the sun rose again
The horizon circling around us
Like we were the very center of the universe
The infinite heavens stretched above us
Stars burned falling lost forever
Beyond our notice as we were lost

Poem: Ashcans on Horatio Street

Among the refuse and ash cans
and the girls hitching up their skirts
down along the walks of Horatio street
are the kids with dirt under their nails
trying to hustle for some mouthfuls
of stale bread from Vinnie’s place
shouting at smartly dressed passerby’s
walking speedily past towards Chelsea
with heads buried in newspapers

Poem: Empty Streets for Empty Souls

Empty streets feel lonely
Even in the yellow lights
Of ever burning street lamps
Casting pale shadows
On late evening wanders
Meandering cracked paths
Leading to locked doors
Shuttered windows dark
No safe harbor in the night

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